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Low Profile Tank Fits Any 4-WD
New 12-ft. wide, 1,000-gal. stainless steel tank mounts on back of any 4-WD tractor.
"It lets you cover more acres between refills and eliminates the hassle of mounting saddle tanks," says Frank Robison, who notes that the tank can be used to carry 28% liquid nitrogen, herbicides, etc. The tank was designed by Ray Rawson, a Michigan farmer-manufacturer.
The tank mounts with a steel substructure (the company provides do-it-yourself plans for the substructure) that bolts onto the tractor frame. Here are key features that set it apart:
Good weight distribution: The tank's center of gravity is directly over the tractor's rear axle. "Even with a full load you hardly even know the tank is back there," says Rawson. Two interior baffles provide strength and prevent excessive movement of liquid.
Good visibility: The tank's sloped de-sign gives you a clear view of trailing implements from the cab. You can see the ground 5 ft. behind the tank.
Unobstructed turning: The tank doesn't interfere at all with the tractor's turning radius, unlike some saddle tanks.
The tank is made from 12-gauge stain-less steel. It's held in place by a pair of adjustable hold-down straps and lifted on or off with a front-end loader.
Sells for $5,400. Empty weight is 1,100 lbs.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Modern Metalcraft, Inc., 1257 Wackerly, Midland, Mich. 48640 (ph 517 835-3291).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2