Best Way To Heat, Ventilate Barns
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"It's a lot cheaper to operate than conventional heating-ventilating systems, and more efficient than solar heat," explains George Rauenhorst who, along with his son Tom, engineered and developed the Georgeway heat exchanger system that was first featured in FARM SHOW over four years ago. Rauenhorst has now sold his invention, which he has used on his own farm for nearly 15 years, to RayDot Ag Products, Inc., in Cokato, Minn.
The Georgeway System uses out-going warm foul air to heat incoming fresh air. In a well-stocked, well-insulated barn used to house cattle, hogs, horses, sheep, turkeys, layers or broilers, "free" body heat generated by the animals or birds is salvaged, reportedly resulting in heat savings of 75% or more.
"Heat exchangers have been around for a long time but they generally haven't been successfully adapted to farm buildings," says George Rauenhorst. "They've been too expensive, or they didn't work because of ice buildup or other problems."
Three key exclusive features of the Georgeway System set it apart from others, according to the Rauenhorsts:
1. It's designed specifically for farm buildings and readily adapts to any livestock or poultry barn that's well-insulated and has tight windows and doors. "We can space ducts at various intervals in buildings up to 160 ft. wide, or wider, with uniform ventilation throughout ù no dead air spots. Size of the heat exchanger ducts can range from 4 to 8 ft. wide, from 6 in. to 2 ft. high, and up to 80 ft. long. In wide buildings, ducts can come in from both sides toward the center.
2. Exclusive turbulator bars built inside the exchanger ducts keep the air stirred and turbulated as it moves through.
3. Special lightweight metal plates are used to separate the "inlet" and "outlet" ducts.
Since RayDot added the Georgeway System to their full line of ventilation equipment, they have added their own fans to the system and installed a system of inlets that are able to furnish complete, year-around ventilation. The heat exchanger is now made of specially treated plywood. RayDot is also making bigger, industrial-size heat exchangers.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, RayDot Products, Inc., 145 Jackson Ave., Cokato, Minn: 55321 (ph 612 286-2103).
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Best Way To Heat, Ventilate Barns LIVESTOCK Buildings 5-6-9 "It's a lot cheaper to operate than conventional heating-ventilating systems, and more efficient than solar heat," explains George Rauenhorst who, along with his son Tom, engineered and developed the Georgeway heat exchanger system that was first featured in FARM SHOW over four years ago. Rauenhorst has now sold his invention, which he has used on his own farm for nearly 15 years, to RayDot Ag Products, Inc., in Cokato, Minn.
The Georgeway System uses out-going warm foul air to heat incoming fresh air. In a well-stocked, well-insulated barn used to house cattle, hogs, horses, sheep, turkeys, layers or broilers, "free" body heat generated by the animals or birds is salvaged, reportedly resulting in heat savings of 75% or more.
"Heat exchangers have been around for a long time but they generally haven't been successfully adapted to farm buildings," says George Rauenhorst. "They've been too expensive, or they didn't work because of ice buildup or other problems."
Three key exclusive features of the Georgeway System set it apart from others, according to the Rauenhorsts:
1. It's designed specifically for farm buildings and readily adapts to any livestock or poultry barn that's well-insulated and has tight windows and doors. "We can space ducts at various intervals in buildings up to 160 ft. wide, or wider, with uniform ventilation throughout ù no dead air spots. Size of the heat exchanger ducts can range from 4 to 8 ft. wide, from 6 in. to 2 ft. high, and up to 80 ft. long. In wide buildings, ducts can come in from both sides toward the center.
2. Exclusive turbulator bars built inside the exchanger ducts keep the air stirred and turbulated as it moves through.
3. Special lightweight metal plates are used to separate the "inlet" and "outlet" ducts.
Since RayDot added the Georgeway System to their full line of ventilation equipment, they have added their own fans to the system and installed a system of inlets that are able to furnish complete, year-around ventilation. The heat exchanger is now made of specially treated plywood. RayDot is also making bigger, industrial-size heat exchangers.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, RayDot Products, Inc., 145 Jackson Ave., Cokato, Minn: 55321 (ph 612 286-2103).
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