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Modification Kit For Fox Forage Harvesters
If you own a Fox forage harvester manufactured within the past 20 years, contact your Fox dealer. He may have an update kit for you.
Recently, Fox/Brady has taken out large ads in major farm magazines across the U.S. in an effort to reach as many owners as possible with the modification kit, designed to improve the feeding of corn into their machines. Without the kit, the machines are said to be more likely to plug under certain conditions and, as stated in the ad, "create a hazard" when farmers go to unplug them. This corn head modification eliminates the hazard," the ad states.
What prompted the company to advertise so widely what amounts to a recall of its product?
"The update kit has been available for three years and the company decided to make one strong effort to find as many owners as possible," reports a company spokesman. "Machines have been sold and resold, owners have moved away and dealerships have changed. It's difficult to track down owners through company records."
The recent sale of Fox/Brady from the Koehring Corp. to Piper Industries, Inc., may also have had some bearing on the "recall" effort. However, since it is unusual for farm machinery manufacturers to make such a widespread notification of a major machinery modification, many have wondered if the update kit was part of a legal judgement against the company.
"I can state unequivocally that there are no lawsuits pending that in any way affected our decision to offer this modification kit to customers," the spokesman told FARM SHOW. "While we don't feel that we ever had more problems with our machines than our competitors, we do feel our machines have a longer than usual working life and, since we still make parts available for just about every machine we ever made that still runs, our management decided to bring everything up to date."
You can install the modification kit yourself, or your dealer will do it for you. All current and recent year models are excluded. The models involved are: Models 2CA or 122 (Serial No. 1952 through 8855); 2CB or 215 (Serial No. 1001 through 7114); 3C or 263 (Serial No. 1001 through 2740); and 4C or 349 (Serial No. 1001 through 1102).
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Fox/Brady, P.O. Box 1279, Appleton, Wis. 54912 (ph 414 739-3631).

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1981 - Volume #5, Issue #6