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Universal Wheel Weight Adapter
A universal adapter developed by Eldon Frank, Lake View, Iowa, makes it easy to "mix and match" tractor wheel weights.
His adapter plate eliminates having to buy new weights every tirnc you trade tractors. It has bolt holes for virtually all configurations drilled into it, adapting it for most makes of tractors and weights. For example, in the above photo, the plate is adapting IH weights to a Deutz tractor.
Frank is producing the adapter plates commercially in his own shop.
"I don't know of a single adapter plate that has broken" Frank told FARM SHOW. Once, in a deliberate attempt to see how much weight an adapter could withstand, he bolted it to a tractor wheel, then proceeded to bolt on tractor weights. "I quit adding more weights when I had the adapter plate carrying 12 weights weighing a total of 1,800 lbs." In another test, he bolted a second dual wheel directly to the plate. Again, it survived the test without breaking or cracking. For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Eldon Frank, F and W. Corp., Lake View, Iowa 51450 (ph 712 664-2791).

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #6