Add-On Lift Wheels For Deere Planers
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Heavy-duty lift assist wheels designed for Buffalo planters and cultivators can be adapted to Deere MaxEmerge 7100 and 7300 mounted planters, taking most of the planter's weight off the tractor and making it easier to lift, says John Matteson, Fleischer Mfg., Inc., Columbus, Neb.
The heavy-duty lift assist wheels even allow the planters to support 150-gal. liquid fertilizer tanks and mounting brackets offered by the company. And, an add-on hitch allows trailers, nurse tanks, or anhydrous ammonia tanks to be pulled behind the planters.
"Buffalo lift assist wheels are built much heavier than standard Deere lift assist wheels and can support the weight of the planter, even if it's equipped with liquid fertilizer tanks or stacker bars," says Matteson. "Also, the lift assist wheel frame-work is longer than Deere offers, allowing you to move the planter units back in order to make room for harrows or ridge cleaning attachments. You can mount one or two 150-gal. tanks on the planter. We also offer medium-duty lift assist wheels that are longer and heavier than Deere's standard lift assist wheels.
"The lift assist wheels bolt onto the planter toolbar and are equipped with double-acting hydraulic cylinders. Screw-adjustable stops are used to keep the planter level."
The heavy-duty lift assist wheels sell for $2,300 per wheel; medium-duty models sell for $1,250 per wheel. Hydraulic cylinder installation kit ( neccessary if two lift assist wheels are used) sells for $195. Liquid fertilizer tank and mounting brackets sell for $480 per wheel. A single wheel lift assist hitch sells for $250; 2-wheel lift assist wheel models require use of a bridge hitch and sell for $995.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Fleischer Mfg., Inc., Box 848, Columbus, Neb. 68602 (ph 402 564-3244).
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Add-On Lift Wheels For Deere Planers PLANTERS Planters 19-2-23 Heavy-duty lift assist wheels designed for Buffalo planters and cultivators can be adapted to Deere MaxEmerge 7100 and 7300 mounted planters, taking most of the planter's weight off the tractor and making it easier to lift, says John Matteson, Fleischer Mfg., Inc., Columbus, Neb.
The heavy-duty lift assist wheels even allow the planters to support 150-gal. liquid fertilizer tanks and mounting brackets offered by the company. And, an add-on hitch allows trailers, nurse tanks, or anhydrous ammonia tanks to be pulled behind the planters.
"Buffalo lift assist wheels are built much heavier than standard Deere lift assist wheels and can support the weight of the planter, even if it's equipped with liquid fertilizer tanks or stacker bars," says Matteson. "Also, the lift assist wheel frame-work is longer than Deere offers, allowing you to move the planter units back in order to make room for harrows or ridge cleaning attachments. You can mount one or two 150-gal. tanks on the planter. We also offer medium-duty lift assist wheels that are longer and heavier than Deere's standard lift assist wheels.
"The lift assist wheels bolt onto the planter toolbar and are equipped with double-acting hydraulic cylinders. Screw-adjustable stops are used to keep the planter level."
The heavy-duty lift assist wheels sell for $2,300 per wheel; medium-duty models sell for $1,250 per wheel. Hydraulic cylinder installation kit ( neccessary if two lift assist wheels are used) sells for $195. Liquid fertilizer tank and mounting brackets sell for $480 per wheel. A single wheel lift assist hitch sells for $250; 2-wheel lift assist wheel models require use of a bridge hitch and sell for $995.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Fleischer Mfg., Inc., Box 848, Columbus, Neb. 68602 (ph 402 564-3244).
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