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Row Cleaners For Deere No-Till Drills
You can move trash out of the way of disc openers on Deere 750 no-till drills by mounting spoked, single-wheel residue cleaners ahead of the openers, says Yetter Mfg., Colchester, Ill.
The spring-loaded row cleaners bolt onto a bar that bolts onto the drill frame. Each cleaner tills a 4 to 6-in. wide zone in front of the opener. Cleaners are universally mounted to fit right or left units and can be set for 7 1/2 or 10-in. center spacings. A single lever is used to adjust depth of the cleaners by applying down pressure to the springs.
"It reduces hair pinning problems and leaves a clear path for improved drill opener action and seed placement," says the company.
Fits 10, 15, and 20-ft. drills. Row cleaners for a 15-ft. drill with 7 1/2-in. spac- _ ings sell for $3,995.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Yetter Mfg. Co., Box 358, Colchester, Ill. 62326 (ph 800 447-5777 or 309 776-4111; fax 309 776-3222).  1

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2