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CO2 Cartridge Lifts This Handy Jack
The Kwik Jak comes in handy if you spend a lot of time in an off-road vehicle on your farm or ranch. Small and lightweight, it can be tucked in a small place, ready to use should you get a flat tire.
  It’s also simple to use, says Trent Kirby, project and marketing manager for Baja Designs, Inc., the California company that manufactures and sells Kwik Jak.
  While developed mostly for off-road racers, it’s handy for anyone with vehicles up to small 4-WD pickups. It works like a bottle jack. Align it on the axle, adjust the height, and thread a CO2 cartridge into the jack. That breaks the seal, releases the CO2 and lifts the jack. Slip in a pin to hold it in place.
  Baja Design sells Kwik Jak for $299.95 with two CO2 cartridges. Replacement cartridges come in a four-pack for $27.95, or they can be purchased from other vendors.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Baja Designs, Inc., 185 Bosstick Blvd., San Marcos, Calif. 92069 (ph 800 422-5292; www.bajadesigns.com).

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2013 - Volume #37, Issue #4