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Replacement Shields For Deere Trash Cultivators
"By replacing the crop shields on Deere's 875 high residue row crop cultivator with our Buffalo crop shields, you can cultivate at faster speeds without covering the crop," says John Matteson, vice president, Fleischer Mfg., Inc., Columbus, Neb.
According to Matteson, the Buffalo crop shield is taller and longer than Deere's shields (as well as most other brands) so it does a better job of protecting young crops from flying soil and crop residue. It's also built heavier so it remains more stable in high amounts of residue and soil flow. An optional spray kit is available that allows you to spray herbicides into the crop row right behind the shield. The kit includes a nozzle and a polyethylene strip that lines the bottom of the shield. The poly strip acts as a skid runner to keep the nozzle spraying at an even height.
"The spray kit was developed primarily for cotton but can also be used on other crops," says Matteson. He says shields to fit Deere 885 and 886 cultivators will soon be available.
Sells for $224 per row. Spray kit sells for $75.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Fleischer Mfg., Inc., Box 848, Columbus,
Neb. 68602 (ph 402 564-3244).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2