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Handy Calf Puller
"It's handy and hygenic," says the Hanewacker Co. of its new wheelbarrow-style calf puller.
For pulling, the wheel serves as a rope winch. The wheelbarrow handles fit over the cow's hip bones, serving as a body-fitted anchor to provide leverage for pulling without injuring the cow or her calf.
The puller, made mostly of aluminum, weighs only 35 pounds, allowing one per-son working alone to keep it aligned and tensioned, whether the cow is standing or lying down.
After delivery, the puller converts into a handy wheelbarrow for transporting the new-born calf.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hanewacker & Zn, Oude Oppenhuizerweg 34, 8606 JC Sneek, Postbus 180,8600 AD Sneek, Holland (ph 05150-20000.

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2