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All-Hydraulic Tractor Gives Driver Unobstructed View
"It gives the driver a clear, unobstructed view of all the action," says J.J. Steketee, designer and manufacturer of an all-hydraulic tractor for cultivating and spraying young trees and specialty crops.
The front wheels are each equipped with a hydraulic drive motor. The rear wheels do the steering. Forward speed is infinitely variable from 0 to 30 mph. Both front and rear wheels feature adjustable row spacing.
Model MT18, equipped with an 18 hp Briggs and Stratton engine, is designed for both cultivating and spraying. It sells for about $18,000.
Model MT12, equipped with a 12 hp Briggs and Stratton engine, is designed for cultivation but not for spraying. It sells for about $12,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Machinefabriek, Steketee by Ovezandseweg 6A, 4436 RE, Oudelande, Holland (ph 01104-8233).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2