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“Repowered” Antique Feed Grinder
“I gave an old Letz burr mill a new lease on life by converting it to pto power, using a rubber tire to friction-drive the belt pulley,” says Marcus Yoder.
    To make the conversion, he used parts from a Ford Explorer, Buick Park Avenue, an international field cultivator, a silage wagon and wheels from a White lawn tractor. A pto shaft direct-drives the tire.
    “It works very well to grind small amounts of feed. The original mill wasn’t modified so with the removal of a few bolts, it could again be used with a drive belt,” notes Yoder.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Marcus Yoder, 53248 365th St., Grove City, Minn. 56243 (ph 320 220-0454).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #2