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Guards Push Corn Away From Center Pivot Wheels
Duane Rolfson harvests extra bushels of corn for every tower on his center pivot irrigation rig. On a 160-acre pivot, that can add up. His Row Guards simply push the stalks aside from the gearbox and frame on each set of towers.

    “I wasn’t happy watching stalks break off as the gearbox passed,” says Rolfson. “I did some measuring and bent some 3/4-in. rod to the angle I needed and made mounting brackets for them.”

    The simple device worked so well that his dealer, Dan Bauer, Kimmes-Bauer, suggested Rolfson patent it. “He liked the idea of what I made,” notes Rolfson. “He also saw that the guards made a convenient step for climbing the tower.”

    Rolfson now sells the patent-pending device to Reinke and T-L Irrigation pivot owners. He is developing a design for Valley Irrigation center pivot towers.

    “It makes no difference if the pivot is going left or right,” says Rolfson. It works the same. I figure I’m saving an average of 2 stalks per tower per row.”

    Rolfson noted that the Reinke and T-L gearboxes extend out about 12 in. from the wheels. Valley gearboxes are about 16 in. wide and will require a different design, but will save about 3 stalks per tower per row.

    The custom fabricated and powder coated guards are priced at $60 per pair with bolts for mounting. They can be ordered directly from Rolfson. He estimates the Valley units when introduced will be priced at around $70 per pair.

    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Row Guard LLC, 53733 262 St., Austin, Minn, 55912 (ph 651 895-3512).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #2