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Build Your Own Air Compressor
Buy an air compressor complete or build your own with parts from Power Systems & Supply. The Indiana company offers multiple options.
  “We can add a battery charger with a larger engine as well as an electric start,” says John Beiler, Power Systems & Supply. “We also sell the components of a compressor pump, base frame and belt guard if you have a 10 to 11 hp engine.”
  Beiler points out that an air tank is also needed. He explains that many of his customers in the Amish community use 500 to 1,000-gal. propane tanks.
  “They like the large tanks so they don’t have to start their compressor all the time,” he says. “The tanks need to be equipped with safety valves to prevent over-pressurizing. They can also be set up with an automatic stop.”
  Beiler prices the complete compressor at $1,695 with an 11 hp motor and rope start. He notes that it also can be set up to run on propane. Those who have a motor can order the frame for $395, the belt guard for $125 and the air compressor for $595.
  Beiler says the compressor is imported from China. However, the exporter owns the factory. “He makes a quality product as he is responsible for quality control,” says Beiler. “We also can supply an American-made compressor.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Power Systems & Supply, 10381 South 800 West, Waveland, Ind. 47989 (ph 765 435-3731).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #2