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Solution For Old Tractors With Stuck Engines
  Gary L. Ahlbrecht, Brownton, Minn.: “I collect old tractors and had 3 with stuck engines. Since I mostly work by myself, I came up with a way to ‘unstuck’ the engines that works well.
  “First I put diesel fuel and penetrating oil into the engine cylinders for a few weeks. Then I jack up one side of the tractor and slide a 10-ft. long 2 by 6 under the axle alongside one of the rear wheels, pushing it in so the end of the 2 by 6 is just past the axle. Then I wrap a chain tightly around the tire rim and the 2 by 6, with the 2 by 6 sticking out the back of the tractor. Put the tractor in high gear and then push down on the 2 by 6 to rock the wheel back and forth. If it doesn’t shake the engine loose, add more oil to the cylinders and try it again every few days. This method works great for me.”

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #2