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Beautiful Homemade Ice Candles
I’m 100 percent Finnish and thought your readers would like to see my beautiful homemade ice candles, which are a Finnish custom at Christmas time. In Finland they place ice candles on the graves of family members to honor them.
    I make them by filling a plastic bucket 3/4 full of water and then letting it sit outside overnight so the water partially freezes. In the morning I place the bucket on its side, pour water over it, and slide the ice chunk out. It’s still open in the middle and at the bottom but has about a 2-in. thick layer of ice on top and along the outside. I place the chunk upright, then use a spade bit to drill a 1 1/2-in. dia. hole on top. I set the candle in a small piece of cardboard on the ground and then place the ice chunk over it. Then I use a barbeque grill lighter to light the candle.
    The candle will burn for hours and sometimes even days, depending on the kind used. I place a line of ice candles alongside my driveway. They’re quite colorful and so pretty at night that all my neighbors want them, too. (Kenny Ranta, 1711 Wornall Rd., Excelsior Springs, Mo. 64024 ph 816 536-6320; kiranta1@yahoo.com)

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #1