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Big Oval Plywood SignStands 20 ft. High
I am a full-time school bus mechanic and I also operate a sideline business making hay for area farmers. I use older International Harvester mowers, rakes and small square balers, which I buy cheap and fix up as needed.
    To make it easier for my customers to find me, I put up a big oval plywood sign that stands 20 ft. high next to the shed, which is located close to a busy road in front of my home. The sign was made from an old 44-in. dia. wagon wheel ring that frames a 3/4-in. thick piece of plywood painted white. “Chaney Farms, Driven By International Harvester” is painted onto it in red and black. Four old IH wrenches, zip-tied to the plywood, add a decorative touch.
    About 3 ft. below the sign there’s a 2-ft. square plywood box with a big red and black IH symbol painted onto both sides. It rides on a bearing that allows the box to spin in either direction in the wind. A big rain gauge extends out one side of the pole about 10 ft. off the ground.
    It’s a unique landmark and a great way to help customers find my farm. People know me as the guy with the big, tall IH sign in his yard. (Tom Chaney, Sr., 14732 E. 1800th Rd., Chrisman, Ill. 61924.

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #1