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Portable Welder's Caddy
"You can wheel it fully loaded over anything short of plowed ground with only one hand," says Gary Comer, designer and manufacturer of the new Comer Welder's Caddy.
He fabricates the unit's heavy-duty 20 in. wheels in his own shop, using 1/4-in. steel spokes and industrial (20 by 2.125) fully pneumatic tires.
The Caddy's 28 in. wide platform (46 in. high) will accommodate two or more tanks having a combined diameter of up to 19 in. It carries the standard 300 cu, ft. and smaller tanks with ease.
The frame is made of 14 ga., extra heavy tubing. The axle is 7/8j dia. Sells for $65 f.o.b. the factory. Orders shipped UPS the same day they're received.
For more details, contact; FARM SHOW Followup, Comer Mfg., Osgood, Ind. 47037 (ph 812 689-4706).

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #6