2018 - Volume #42, Issue #2, Page #31
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Do-It-Yourself Drain Tile Tools
“A large number of our customers are farmers doing their own repairs or adding drainage,” says Bill Rawn, ALS. “A farmer or contractor can come in, find an exit for an old tile line, and trace the entire system, mapping it as they go. Using a camera on a push rod, they can identify where existing laterals are and identify where new laterals can be brought in.”
As the old line’s path and laterals are identified, new entry points can be created when the push rods reach their limit. This allows the tile layer to build a complete picture of existing drainage across the field with minimal disruption.
“Our 600-ft. Jameson transmitter push rod is a 7/16-in., fiberglass rod, coated with high-density poly, with an 18 ga. copper line down its center,” says Rawn. “The brass fittings at either end bounce the signal back and forth across the length of the rod. Using the Gen-Eye Hot Spot Pipe Locator, an operator can simply follow the line from above ground, recording the lay and the depth as he goes. Using a GPS handheld device, he can map it as he goes or flag it and map it later.”
ALS sells cameras on 200-ft. push rods. Rawn recommends teaming a camera push rod up with a transmitter push rod to reinforce it. “Attaching the two gives the camera push rod a little more backbone as it encounters dirt and debris in the bottom of the tile line,” he says.
“The WI-FI camera sends a signal to your phone or iPad,” says Rawn. “You can record video, take still pictures, and send them out from the field. The other benefit of the WI-FI connection is the person running the locator is looking at what is right below his feet.”
He notes that some tile lines still in use can be 100 years old or more. He says it’s only fitting that the newest technology can help ensure that the old technology continues to function as intended.
The Geneye Hot Spot Locator and Transmitter sells for $2,800. A Jameson 600-ft. locatable push rod is priced at $2,200, and the Gen-Eye Pod with 200-ft. push rod and WI-FI camera sells for $6,600.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Accurate Laser Systems, 2285 N. Tobey Dr., Indianapolis, Ind. 46219 (ph 317 873-5611; brawn@acuratelasersystems.com; www.accuratelasersystems.com).
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