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Tool Designed To Fix Wild Hog Damage
When wild hogs root up a field or pasture, you can repair the damage fast with the Hog Rooting Fixer. The 3-pt. mounted unit consists of a rotary tiller to break up clods and a rear blade to spread them out.
  “We are getting a lot of interest, especially from farmers in Texas,” says Bernie Sopel, Fabrication S Houle, Inc.
  The 850-lb. Fixer is 84 in. wide. It requires a 40 to 60 hp. tractor, and has 3-pt. connectors for mounting a 60-in. reverse tine tiller.
  The rear section with blade connects to the front frame via a parallelogram system. Its 3-in. dia., 6-in. stroke hydraulic cylinder allows lifting and leveling independent of the 3-pt. linkage on the tractor.
  The Hog Rooting Fixer is priced at $4,500 without a rotary tiller.  
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Fabrication S Houle, Inc., 300 Industrial Blvd., St-Germain-de-Grantham, Quebec Canada J0C 1K0 (ph 819 395-4380; toll free 888 404-4380; info@shoule.com; www.shoule.com).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #2