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Flexible Row Sensors Auto-Steer Implements
A new generation of pinpoint steering accuracy from a Minnesota company eliminates many of the problems associated with traditional GPS systems that triangulate off satellites, towers, and equipment antennas.   
  Tactile Row Guidance (PSR TAC) from Reichhardt Electronics operates much like a traditional blind-navigation cane used by a visually impaired person. On a self-propelled sprayer or applicator, for example, 2 durable synthetic sensors hang between rows of growing crops on each side of the machine. As the sensor bends when striking growing crops in the row, a digital signal is sent to the steering system keeping the machine on course. The system also works on combines where sensors are mounted between two snouts on four rows for harvesting row crops.
  Reichhardt’s Carol Paquin says the PSR TAC system guides a sprayer, tractor or combine exactly where the rows are, not where a traditional GPS system thinks they might be. It works on 20, 22 or 30-in. rows. Paquin says the system allows equipment to follow rows on contours, around corners or in whatever configuration they’re planted, regardless if a GPS system was used for planting. In field spraying or fertilizer applications, the machine stays between the rows to reduce crop damage.
  Paquin says the PSR TAC allows the operator to focus on application or harvesting activity while reducing fatigue and equipment errors due to inattentiveness or accidental mis-steering.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Reichhardt Electronic Innovations, 12 First Street South, Sabin, Minn. 56580 (ph 218 677-1001; www.reichhardt.com).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #2