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Corn Cob Squirrel Feeder
“I enjoy viewing the antics of squirrels in the trees outside my house, and I wanted to watch them while they’re eating. So I made a simple corn cob squirrel feeder that I can locate at any point along a tree limb,” says Joseph Gibbs, Columbia, Mo.
  He bent a 9-ga. wire bracket into a hook and attached it to a discarded broom handle, shaping the lower end of the bracket to fit the diameter of the tree limb. The upper end of the bracket serves as a spike for the cob, which mounts just above the center of the limb.
  Gibbs mounted another corn cob feeder on a 10-ft. length of 1/2-in. pvc pipe, allowing him to position the feeder higher up in the tree where he can see it from a second story window.
  “These feeders are easy to see through the tree branches. The weight of the broom handle or pvc pipe keeps the cob in an upright position and secure,” notes Gibbs.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Joseph B. Gibbs, PE, 1115 Club Meadows Drive, Columbia, Mo. 65203 (ph 573 815-0347; JBG6267@aol.com).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #1