2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3, Page #31
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“Fledbag” Controls Flow Out Of Tote Bags
The Fledbag Easy is made from fiberglass and comes with a 7-in. dia. opening at the top and a pair of handles at the bottom. One handle pivots on a bolt and is used to open and close the gate opening.
The operator grabs both handles to lift the Fledbag inside a plastic spout at the bottom of the bag, then attaches a spring-loaded clamp and pulls back on the gate handle to let material flow out.
“It allows you to empty as little or as much of the bag as you need. It solves the problem of trying to stop the flow mid-bag, but also makes it easier to empty an entire bag in a controlled manner,” says Roy Pfaltzgraff. “The clamp makes it easy to remove the Fledbag from the empty bag and reuse it as needed. It can be clamped onto the bag even when the bag is full.”
He uses reusable totes with the Fledbag Easy on his own farm to plant cover crops, and says it works great. “It lets us set the bag on the ground between refills without having to close the bag and grab the spout. Also, we don’t have to worry about spilling seed on the ground. We can regulate the full flow of seed to match the capacity of our drill-fill auger, and if the auger plugs up we can quickly close the gate.”
Pfaltzgraff also offers another model called the Fledbag Original, designed for farmers who don’t plan to reuse the bag or want to empty solid bottom tote bags. It has a pointed cone on top that pierces the bottom of the bag, with openings around the point.
The Fledbag Easy sells for $220 including S&H; the Fledbag Original for $225 including S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup: Roy Pfaltzgraff, 12189 Co. Rd. 7, Haxtun, Colo. 80731 (ph 970 466-1887; roy@pfzfarms.com; www.pfzfarms.com).
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