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Smartphone Controls Load Leveler System
Adjusting the air spring pressure on your tow vehicle can now be done with a smartphone, thanks to AMP Wireless Controls from Pacbrake. This system provides real time pressure feedback within each spring through an app that has 3 built-in memory presets so you can quickly achieve the desired air spring pressure.
    Pacbrake designed the system with military grade solenoids that withstand extreme environments. An IP67 rated controller is waterproof and debris-resistant. A pre-assembled plug and play harness allows easy installation and components are quickly accessible to service or for installing replacement parts.
    The AMP Wireless Controls fit on the frame rail of any vehicle, works with any air spring on the market, and any existing onboard air system. The kit includes a controller, solenoid block, sensors and harnesses, a phone app for Android devices, air lines, pressure connectors and mounting hardware. Installation takes about an hour. The kit is sold by several online retailers for about $550.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pacbrake, 1670 Grant Ave., Blaine, Wash. 98230 (ph 800 663-0096; www.pacbrake.com).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3