2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3, Page #31
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Custom Rebuilds For Starters/Alternators/Generators
“We do troubleshooting and repair,” he says. “We do a lot of custom rebuilding of starters and generators. Usually we can send them back in the same housing.”
Martin and his sons Raylyn and Nelson have done custom rebuilds for everything from local antique tractors to a very rare Minerva automobile. Martin says it is reputed to be the only one of its kind in existence.
“We do a lot of work for a local restoration company,” he says. “They worked on the Minerva, and they often bring in starters and generators from Packards, which have an unusual starter and generator. We also do a lot of electrical repair and get into some magneto repair.”
Martin warns that turnaround varies with older, more rare units sometimes taking more time. They try to fast-track repairs or rebuilds on units needed to keep equipment operating.
“We can often provide next day turn-around,” he says. “We try to keep a lot of parts in stock. We always use U.S. made regulators when rebuilding a generator.”
Having the part number for the starter, alternator or generator is helpful, explains Martin. However, sometimes the part number can be incorrect and even how the part is being used and on what equipment can be misleading.
“Even if the part number is wrong, we can usually figure out what it is and get it fixed,” says Martin.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Martin’s Repair, 25720 County Road 38, Goshen, Ind. 46526 (ph 574 862-3910)
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