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Tractor Hub Caps
"When we set our rear tractor wheels on 60-in. centers, about 1 ft. of axle extends out past the tire sidewall. I wanted a way to cover the axles to allow me to mow close to fences and crops without causing damage," says Edward A. Dittmer, Liberty, Ill., who fashioned "hub caps" out of the ends of imperfect pressure tank ends he found in a scrap pile at a local manufacturing firm.
"I welded a short piece of pipe inside them that fits over the axle and can be clamped tight. The metal in the caps is about 1/4-in. thick so they can stand up to lots of abuse.
"I especially need the caps when pulling my rear-mounted rotary mower. It keeps me from knocking down posts or standing corn. They also keep people from walking into the axles when the tractor is parked. To my knowledge, there's nothing like these hub caps on the market. I've used them for about five years."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Edward A. Dittmer, Rt. 3, Box 36, Libety, Ill. 62347.

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #2