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Ear Corn Harvester
While reading a recent issue of FARM SHOW (Vol. 12, No. 6), I noted with interest your story about the new Vermeer ear corn harvester. The article stated that it is now the only corn picker on the market so I thought I'd send you a photo of our just-introduced one-row ear corn picker designed specifically to pick ear corn gently, quickly and economically. The picker has been tested extensively throughout the country. It's the easiest-to-operate and most effective sweet corn and ear corn picker built. The picker is geared toward fresh market sweet corn but also does a fine job harvesting dried field corn and seed corn. Features a set of aggressive 10-blade stalk rolls that cleanly cut stalks, wing-nut adjustment of stripper plates for quick and easy adjustments, proven Deere gearboxes, rubber gathering belts for gentle handling, and a powerful auger-type cleaning fan for cleaner, fresh market quality. It requires only a 40 hp. tractor and a 540 pto. The retail price is $19,880.

Russ Quandt
Marketing Manager
Pixall Corporation
100 Bean Street
Clear Lake, Wis. 54005
(oh 715 263-2112)

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #2