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Wireless Ultrasound Goggles Check Cattle
Farmers and veterinarians now have a new tool for conducting pregnancy checks on cattle.
    IMV Viewing says its new ultrasound goggles are used wirelessly and with an Easi-Scan: Go probe to provide an ultrasound picture of a fetus.
“You can visualize the fetus, heartbeat, check ovaries for cysts, see embryo transfers and scan ovaries to identify an animal’s cycle status,” says Tom Cardinal, IMV Imaging Sales Specialist.
    The goggles receive the ultrasound signal from the probe and display ultrasound images to a tablet, computer or smartphone.
    “The freedom of not having a cable from the goggles to the ultrasound machine is the big benefit,” Cardinal claims. “Plus, the ability to use a smart device like a cellphone or tablet as an external viewer with a 50 to 75-ft. range.”
    According to Cardinal, the system is 100 percent accurate with errors only occurring due to image interpretation. At 30 days of pregnancy, a fetus is approximately the size of a fingernail, so operator experience with probe placement is still critical.
    IMV Imaging, a Scottish-based company, was the first to incorporate and market the wireless feature for the goggles in the fall of 2018.
    Cardinal recommends customers contact IMV Imaging through the website or call the office directly to arrange a free trial and demonstration to understand the benefits and costs.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Cardinal, IMV Imaging, 2900 43rd St. NW, Suite 600, Rochester, Minn. 55901 (ph 800-210-9665; contact@imv-imaging.com; www.imv-imaging.com).

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #1