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3D Fence Keeps Deer Out
There is another option besides tall fences to keep deer out. The 3D Anti-Deer fence uses depth and scent while requiring less wire.
“3D fence is two fences of electrified rope, set 3 ft. apart. They make a barrier that has both depth and height. An energizer provides the high-voltage pulse that instills the ‘stay-away’ fear in deer. Scent caps are attached to the electrified rope to entice deer to touch the rope with their nose,” explains Stephanie Sexton, Marketing/New Products Manager for Premier 1.
The goal is to persuade deer that it’s safer and less painful to feed or rub someplace else. The system works because deer have weak depth perception, and the fence confuses them, so they approach it slowly. In many areas, it only takes three strands of rope with one strand on one fence and two strands on the other fence. For areas with heavy deer pressure, five strands can be used.
The 3-ft. spacing seems to be optimal, so deer don’t try to jump the first fence. It’s also crucial that the scent caps are kept baited - typically with apple scent or peanut butter - and that the fence is properly electrified to test 3,000 volts at the end of the fence line.
The 3D fence can be permanent or temporary. Premier 1 has post and conductor options including 6mm rope with a 25-year life expectancy.
“Premier’s conductors are made especially for us. We feel our combination of materials used in the ropes makes it very reliable, long-lasting and superior to a lot of other products on the market,” Sexton says. Cost for the fencing (not including the energizer) starts at 44 cents/per foot.
A video, installation instructions, and fencing parts can be found on Premier 1’s website.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Premier 1 Supplies, 2031 300th St., Washington, Iowa 52353 (ph 800-282-6631; info@premier1supplies.com; www.premier1supplies.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #1