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Foldable E-Bike Fits In Tractor Cab
John Jamison is a grain farmer in Maryland who has found an easier way to get around when working out in the field - a foldable e-bike.
Before he found the e-bike, Jamison required the help of an employee to drive him around his multiple properties. When he finished with a big piece of equipment that needed to stay put, an employee would stop whatever they were doing to pick him up. They would drive him back to his vehicle at his previous work site. It was a waste of time.
The foldable electric bike is small enough to fit inside a tractor or sprayer cab and yet it hits well over 15 mph and can travel up to 25 miles between charges. And, thanks to their electric motors, the bikes won’t leak gas or develop carburetor issues.
Jamison experimented with multiple models of e-bikes to determine which design worked best. He found his answer with the ultra-compact Gyroor C2.
Weighing just 47 lbs., the Gyroor C2 supports a rider up to 265 lbs. It’s built with 14-in. tires and has a 36-volt 10 Ah battery capacity. The bike takes only two minutes to fold and unfold.
Jamison says the bike worked out so well for him he wants other farmers to experience the same benefits. He’s launched a website - The Equipment Bike Project - and is a direct seller of the Gyroor C2. You can learn more about the e-bike and connect with Jamison directly through his website. It sells for $565 on his website.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Jamison (equipmentbikes@gmail.com; www.equipmentbikes.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #1