Volume #BFS, Issue #23, Page #13
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Kile® Rotor Flight® Impellers
The patented Kile® Rotor Flight® Impellers are precision built, cold-formed, bolt-on flights which replace OEM impellers on IH and Case-IH combines. Impellers flights, made of X10 grade steel and formed cold to maintain the steel strength and integrity, for durability and wear. Our impellers and wear plate system provide longer and improved feeding performance ensures that crop material efficiently spirals through the transition cone reducing peak torque loads and allowing the operator to achieve higher ground speeds. Extending the life of both the transition cone, rotor belt plus reducing gearbox loading and increasing fuel effiency.
The KRF® 60-80 flight impeller kits mount on specialty or standard rotors. Our KXF® 66 & 88 replace the AFX series rotor flights and KXF7890 fit the Flagship combine rotors. All can be installed without removing the rotor from the combine. All come complete with mounting instructions, hardware & cast wear plates. All our flights are used in harvesting all seed and grain crops with complete satisfaction.
Made and manufactured in the U.S. by Kile Machine & Manufacturing Inc., Rosalia, WA. Parts price, dealer list & new products are available on-line.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kile Manufacturing, 401 Squires Road, Rosalia, WA 99170 (ph 509-569-3814; info@kilemfg.com; www.kilemfg.com). New dealer inquiries welcome

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Volume #BFS, Issue #23