Volume #BFS, Issue #23, Page #13
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Cut Your Power Usage = Save $$$
This engine block heater controller reduces the cost of running engine block heaters by up to 80%, says Jeff Aiello of BMI, Bostic, N.C.
This patented device (called The Power Badger™) can be used to control engine block heaters, pan/tank heaters, battery warmers, and the like. This device simply plugs in-between the wall outlet and your engine heater. It works by sensing the outside temperature and automatically controlling how/when the heater is powered. The engine starts like normal and you save energy and money.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bostic Motors, Inc., 157 North Main Street, Bostic, N.C. 28018 (Ph: 828-453-7779; pbsales@thepowerbadger.com; www.thepowerbadger.com).

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Volume #BFS, Issue #23