1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2, Page #32
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Spray Tank Rinse System
So the Strathroy, Ontario, poultry farmer built a sprayer rinse system of his own.
"It's a fairly simple system," says Stockman. "It's probably not as thorough as a commercial system with multiple rinsing jets, but it's great for cleaning out what's left in the bottom of the tank when you're ready to change chemicals. It cost only about $255 (Canadian) to build."
Stockman's system uses two recycled 14.5-gal. dairy chemical containers to hold fresh water. The containers are fitted to a rack above Stockman's 300-gal. Hardi spray tank. Rinse action is provided by two simple greenhouse irrigation sprinkler heads that deliver a jet of water inside the tank. Ball valves and various plumbing components make up the rest of the system. Stockman's set-up allows for two complete rinses of the tank in the field.
For operator safety, Stockman also added a handy wash station to the sprayer. It's a 3-gal. plastic jug fitted with tap and a hose.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Nick Stockman, R.R. 7, Strathroy, Ontario, Canada N7G 3H8 (ph 519 245-0250.).
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