1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2, Page #32
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Liquid Rubber Floor
"It permanently waterproofs any concrete or wood surface without creating any odors or toxic fumes. It's so durable you can't even sandblast it away," says Bill Emerick, Ideal Products, Inc., Plymouth, Ind., about the company's new "Sani-Tred" liquid rubber coating for floors and walls.It can be used on farrrowing house floors, finishing floors, dairy barn floors and walls, pit floors, etc. The product can be applied at any thickness and fills any size gaps, grooves, depressions, etc. Cures quickly at temperatures from over 100 degrees to minus 5 below zero.
"It's designed to last the life of what-ever it's covering and won't crack, harden with age, or peel from the floor or wall surface after it cures," says Emerick. "It's user friendly and is an excellent adhesive - no priming is necessary. It isn't water soluble so it works great for waterproofing a basement. It cures in four hours or so at any thickness and will stretch five times its size after it cures so it stays flexible. Humidity and dewpoint have no effect on it. Viscosity can be adjusted from a very thin liquid to a thick putty or caulk.
"The material can be set up for almost any kind of texture you want. For example, it can be impregnated with rubber granules to make a slip-resistant floor surface. First you apply a liquid base coat, then broadcast the rubber granules onto it. Excess granules are removed after it cures.
"It has many applications on dairy farms because it bonds directly to concrete and can be pressure washed without being damaged. It works better than expensive mats that have to be removed and cleaned on top and bottom. It also works great for hog operations because applying it to the floor is much less expensive than buying elevated farrowing crates and finishing room grates and flooring. It can also be used on the bottoms of grain bins and in fertilizer containment areas, and it works great for coating the inside of gravity wagons. It's abrasion-resistant and provides a smooth surface that reduces crushing of grain."
Sells for $49 per gal.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ideal Products, Inc., 15515 3rd Road, Ply-mouth, Ind. 46563 (ph 219 784-3308).
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