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Liquid Manure Spreader Is A Game Changer
Bazooka Farmstar has upgraded its original Dribble Bar to the Dribble Bar 2, adding greater precision, durability, and efficiency. The 3-pt. hitch-equipped, 44-ft. wide spreader features a heavier frame, hydraulic mainlines, and a unique discharge valve. A heavy-duty 3-in. Bumblebee hose delivers the liquid manure to 44 dribble lines and 22 ports holding Y-shaped drop tubes spaced 12-in. apart. Hydraulic rear folding wings for road transport come standard.
“The bar opens up year-round application,” says Marcus Davis, Bazooka Farmstar National Sales Manager. “It can apply between 3,000 and 25,000 gallons per acre to hay crops after they’re harvested without hurting alfalfa plants.”
A 6-in. Krohne Flowmeter controlling applied gallons per acre is visible from the tractor’s cab, and a 6-in. pipe swivel allows for smoother and more durable turning in the field without damaging or pinching the supply hose.
Davis says the bar’s uniquely designed flux manifold features a V-shaped bottom to catch debris and rocks without plugging the product lines.
“On the manifold, the ports are above where debris settles near the bottom, so the liquid manure keeps flowing,” Davis says. “It’s a great feature. To clean it out, you just open the discharge valve and flush it on the go without having to shut the system down. Then close the valve.”
The heavier frame and larger 3-in. hose also help set the machine apart from its competitors.
The Dribble Bar 2 is manufactured in Washington, Iowa, and is available through a North American-based dealer network.
Prices range from $48,000 to $68,000 depending on options.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bazooka Farmstar, 800 E. 7th St., Washington, Iowa 52353 (ph 800-775-7448; mdavis@bazookafarmstar.com; www.bazookafarmstar.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5