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Disc-Type Tree Cutters Work Fast
For farmers and acreage owners needing to cut down lots of smaller trees on their property, CVR Manufacturing has developed two “unpowered” disc cutters for ATVs, skid steers, and tractors.
The 4-in. or 8-in. cutters relate to the maximum diameter of the trees they’ll cut.
“On the 4-in. we build it however the customer wants,” says Kelly Coover, CVR Manufacturing President. “Whatever attachment or mount is needed for 4-wheelers or side by sides, we either have a bracket or we’ll fabricate one. It’s part of the price.”
The 8-in. models are designed as a universal bucket mount for a skid steer or tractor.
“What sets us apart from our competitors is our cutters are unpowered,” Coover says. “No hydraulics or PTO drives are necessary.”
Cutting is done by using only the forward motion of the machine. Slightly overlapping blades placed at ground level use momentum to complete the cut. With the 4-in. model, a walking speed through the tree is used. On the larger model, the saw is positioned in front of the trunk and then driven through it in one motion.
“Slightly sloped 15-degree angled blades use the tree trunk to rotate about 90 degrees toward each other. The force and mechanical advantage are what make the cut. Everything going through the blades is swiftly cut off, so I only recommend cutting when no bystanders are nearby to save fingers and toes,” Coover says.
The blades are AR400 durable quality steel and hold an edge well. During 10 years of production, CVR has never sold a set of replacement blades. Steel bushings and a solid frame support the cutting process.
Coover says their 8-in. unit can cut up to 300 6 to 8-in. trees per hour. The length of life for the equipment is hundreds of thousands of trees.
The unpowered disc cutters are produced at the CVR headquarters.
The 4-in. cutter sells for $1,400, and the 8-in. is $2,250 plus S&H direct from the shop.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kelly Coover, CVR Manufacturing, 6 Center St., Galesburg, Kan. 66740 (ph 620-763-2500; sales@cvrmanufacturing.com; www.cvrmanufacturing.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5