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Company Offers Liquid Storage Alternative
The Plia Dike system was developed in the mid-80’s by Hunter Agri-Sales. First used by the inground pool industry, the technology was later modified for agriculture.
    The Plia Dike containment system includes galvanized walls and angle braces that use a cement bond beam to create the equivalent of an 8-in. cement wall designed to withstand rust, cracking, and corrosion. The expandable liners are built with polyethylene and synthetic rubber construction that provides resistance to agrochemicals and won’t break down during freeze or thaw cycles. They can be added to new or existing dikes and can include an optional rain and spill capture elimination sump and a dry sump spillage alert system.
    The liner works to contain most fertilizer products (28 or 32 percent UAN, starter fertilizer, and liquid potash, as well as others). It also works for containing ice treatment products like sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, and calcium chloride. The XR 5 liner is better suited for petroleum products like diesel, gasoline, or fuel oil. Finally, the 1936PTF material is best for more caustic agriculture chemicals.
    The liners themselves can last as long as twenty years. Punctures are one of the most common causes of failures, and they can be repaired with a Leister heat gun. Sunlight also wears them down, so covering the exposed surface with pea gravel can extend their life.
    Many farmers turn to Plia Containment Systems to save money. Says Dilling, “Our customers report significant savings over a complete concrete secondary containment structure, even up to 66 percent savings.”
    A 40 by 40 by 4 containment costs around $10,000, assuming the use of the Plia liner and a large concrete box. “That same containment built out of poured concrete would be over $30,000,” says Dilling. “Though the installation process varies based on the structure or the wall type you choose,” says Dilling. On average, he estimates the Plia installation team handles 75 percent of projects, while self-installation makes up the rest. Though the company is based in Indiana, they travel nationally for installations.
    To get a quote, send Plia Containment Systems information about the diameter and size of your tanks, their suggested footprint and wall height, the type of material to be contained, and the types of walls you want to use.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Plia Containment System, 7514 S. US 231, Brookston, Ind. 47923 (ph 800-316-2119; kdilling@pliasystems.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #1