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Powerful Pumpkin Seed Harvester
The AXR 430 pumpkin seed harvester from Agro-Stahl picks up windrowed pumpkins, threshes them, ejects the pulp and captures the seed in a 4.3-cu. yd. hopper that empties in 2 min.
The pull-type harvester is equipped with oversized gearboxes and additional overload clutches for the main drives, crusher and threshing rotor. It’s 22 ft. long, 9 1/2 ft. wide, 12 ft. high and weighs 9 tons. Three 10-ft. axial rotors with two cleaning drums that measure nearly 10 ft. long ensure cleaner pumpkin seeds in the bin.
According to the company, the new design offers 34 percent more screening area and 39 percent more cleaning area than the older AXR 325. Improved cleaning during threshing reduces cleaning needed when leaving the field.
Continuously adjustable speeds for the rotor and drums from 0 to 360 rpm, as well as a variably adjusted threshing paddle, let the operator match threshing speed to field conditions.
The harvester features air brakes, LED work lights, three video cameras, and a control display that monitors threshing.
The optional 100-gal. water tank, with its high-pressure pump and reel, makes it easy to clean out the seed hopper.
Currently, the harvester isn’t being sold in the U.S. or Canadian markets. “Our AXR 430 pumpkin seed harvester is mainly sold in Austria, but we’ve received inquiries from other European countries,” says Sarah Sulzer, Agro-Stahl. “The base price of the AXR 430 is $27,594.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Agro-Stahl, Forsterstraße 11, 8142 Wundschuh Austria (ph 43 3135 52602; www.agro-stahl.at).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #5