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Pintle Mount Adjusts For Precise Leveling
The SecureLatch Adjustable Pintle Mount from CURT Manufacturing makes height adjustment easy without sacrificing hitch security. Simply loosen four bolts and slide the pintle hitch up or down in the slotted channels for the optimum height. It only requires a single tool with no disassembly.
The unique design uses a slotted bolt plate for maximum adjustability instead of fixed height positions. This enables precise leveling for towing. Double bolt plates provide a secure connection, with a total clamp load of 48,000 lbs. when fully torqued.
The pintle mount is made of high-strength fabricated steel and is rated for a gross trailer weight of 20,000 lbs. The mounting plates are 10 5/8 in. high and 5 in. wide. The Teridium powder coat finish protects against the elements.
The pintle plate mount is available to fit 2-in. by 2-in. and 2 1/2-in. by 2 1/2-in. receiver hitches. Both accept SecureLatch pintle hooks and ball hitches from CURT.
The 2-in. by 2-in. adjustable pintle mount is priced at $230.95. The 2 1/2 by 2 1/2-in. mount is priced at $316.95. Both can be ordered from the CURT website or found at local retailers listed on the website.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, CURT Manufacturing (ph toll-free 877-287-8634; www.curtmfg.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1