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Her 12-Ft. Hollyhock Is A Welcome Surprise
Susan Manzke of Sunnybrook Farm in Seymour, Wis., manages a backyard garden that sets her up for surprises. “I married a farmer in 1973,” says Manzke. “And while I don’t have a big flower garden anymore, I admire those who do.”
This past year, her garden was graced with a hollyhock over 12 ft. tall. “I hadn’t planted a hollyhock in years,” she said. “I tried 10 years ago and had some success, but they were completely gone after a couple of years.” This surprise flower grew in a corner of the lawn that rarely sees flowers otherwise. “When I figured out what was growing there in the spring, I mowed around it.”
She’s hoping to replicate her surprise success next year. “I’ll collect this prize hollyhock’s seeds and see if I can get more to grow again next year. I’ve already collected enough seeds from black-eyed Susans and coneflowers to scatter around my house.” Manzke’s primary advice for other flower enthusiasts is “saving seeds saves money.” She also advocates for modifying strategies to match abilities, especially while aging. “I have trouble kneeling, so I use three raised flower beds made of old tractor tires. My husband, who passed away in 2020, made those beds for me many years ago.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Susan Manzke, N8646 Miller Rd., Seymour, Wis. 54165 (sunnybrook@aol.com; susanmanzke@gmail.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1