2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1, Page #34
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Flexible Vise Clamps To Work Surface
“The all-metal IQ Vise has a ball and socket joint that is extremely sturdy with a hardened steel ball,” says Brandon Smith, director of business development. “It has all of the functionality of a normal bench vise, and with it placed on the edge (of a bench), you can lean it over to work on items like chainsaws or string trimmers.”
It has a patented locking pin for heavy-duty holding strength that accommodates 130 ft.-lbs. torque. To adapt to different uses, Work IQ Tools offers five double-sided job-specific jaw covers. For example, the Pipe-Fit™ Jaws have a metal jaw on one side for welding and grinding galvanized or black pipe and a rubber-coated side for tubular and copper pipes, which is heat resistant when sweating joints. The woodworking jaws are wider and taller, with a stiff foam side to hold molding and other irregularly shaped objects.
“It’s more ergonomic,” Smith says of the vise’s design, adding that some customers use grants to purchase the vise because of its safety and ergonomic features, allowing you to move the workpiece to you instead of moving your body to the workpiece. The vise sells for $280, and the jaw covers are additional.
Work IQ Tools also offers IQ Connect™ ($109), a hands-free system to hold accessories such as a cellphone to watch or make a how-to video while working on a project, a 5-in. magnifying glass, and a detachable flashlight.
IQ Connect can be plugged into one of four ports on the vise, screwed or clamped onto a bench, or used with a magnetic mount when working on farm equipment or vehicles, for example.
Work IQ Tools products come with a 5-year warranty and can be purchased from the Minneapolis-based online store and at stores such as Ace Hardware, Do It Best and various other hardware stores. Check the website for details on where to find them near you and videos of them in action.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Work IQ Tools, Minneapolis, Minn. (ph 866-202-4746; info@workiqtools.com; www.workiqtools.com).
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