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Handy Holder For MIG Gun
Matt Stewart got the idea for a MIG gun holder from a friend a few years ago. When he decided to make his own, he added a holder for MIG gun pliers. Using pieces of scrap he had lying around, it didn’t cost him anything, but it quickly proved handy to have.
“I started with a rusty, old, vise grip-style C-clamp,” says Stewart. “For parts, I cut 2-in. lengths of 1 by 1-in. angle iron, Schedule 40 1 7/8-in. O.D. steel tubing and 1/8-in. wall 1 by 1-in. square tubing.”
The idea was to weld the angle iron to one jaw of the C-clamp for a secure attachment to the welding table. To do that, he needed a flat spot on the angle iron.
“I made a few passes on the center of the angle with a hack saw and then filed them down,” he says. “I tightened the clamp jaw on the flat spot and welded it in place.”
He used a second C-clamp to hold the round tubing to the side of the jaw arm and welded it in place at an angle to accommodate the MIG gun.
“I rearranged the second C-clamp to hold the square tubing in a vertical position on the other side of the jaw arm and spot welded it in place,” says Stewart. “The holder only took a few minutes of time, but it works great. The MIG gun is held securely, as is the pliers.”
Stewart made a video of the build for his YouTube channel (@mattthescrapwhisperer). It proved popular enough that he later made a second one as a giveaway when his YouTube channel hit 1,000 subscribers.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Matt Stewart, 1215 E. Skyfield Dr., Huachuca City, Ariz. 85616 (ph 360-813-2171; mstewart1@powerc.net).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1