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Air Hitch Handles Rough Terrain
In the late 1990s, dirt track racer and car aficionado Bob Sagen dealt with numerous rough roads as he pulled his utility trailer around the countryside.
After breaking numerous tongues and trailer frames, he developed a method of cushioning his unit’s ride by welding a makeshift hitch on a typical truck ball receiver. This prototype featured a rubber, non-adjustable bushing to control travel choppiness. After selling the truck and homemade hitch, he designed and developed the Shocker Hitch, an adjustable air system to smooth the ride for trucks and trailers.
Shocker Hitch now manufactures bumper-tow, gooseneck, farm and fifth-wheel hitch kits. Each kit features a small air-ride component to adjust pressure and stiffen or relax the ride. The kits come complete with everything required, including balls, pintle hitches, drawbars, clevis pin mounts, and integrated air hitch technology.
The heavy-duty built-in air ride systems cushion towing methods, absorbing road shocks, jerks, bumps, and tugs, creating a smoother, safer ride.
“The hitches have a pivoting motion, so as the trailer is moving up and down and side to side, they safely control this movement,” says Shocker Hitch Marketing Manager James Watson. “These air-ride hitches control the chucking back and forth to settle everything down. It’s the best of both worlds when traveling over rough roads, railroad tracks, bridges or other rough terrain.”
Their farm-use and Combo Farm Mount Towing kits are perfect for trucks, bobcats, wagons, farm equipment, augers, and other agricultural-related equipment and trailers.
Shocker Hitch offers a wide variety of additional ball mount attachments: drop ball mounts, pintle and ball, raised mounts, shackle mounts, and mounts with sway bar mounting tabs.
The unique hitch kits are manufactured in North Dakota and are available through hundreds of dealers across North America and Australia.
Watson recommends that interested customers check the website for sizes, options, features, cost and availability.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Shocker Hitch, 2801 3rd Ave. SW, Jamestown, N.D. 58401 (ph 701-707-2666; www.shockerhitch.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1