1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2, Page #33
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Old Water Tanks Make Intensive Grazing System Work
Dailey keeps two herds of Holstein re-placement heifers - 55 cattle in each herd - on an intensive grazing system where cattle are regularly rotated between 70 by 130-ft. pastures. Water is pumped from a well through black plastic pipe to the above-ground tanks. From the tanks it gravity flows through plastic pipe to a "push pump", powered by an electric motor, that delivers the water to 40-gal. "watering tanks".
Dailey moves each herd to a new pasture every day and uses a 4-wheel ATV to move the portable watering tanks with them.
"Taking water to cattle instead of making cattle come to water is a more efficient way of grazing. There's always plenty of water available to the cattle during the day because the tanks automatically fill up overnight. There's a float valve on top of each stationary tank so that when it gets full, the well stops pumping. A timer automatically shuts off the pump if the well runs out of water. As the well fills back up, the pump starts filling the tanks again."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dave Dailey, Dailey Fencing and Supply, 5385 Edgemore Rd., Adamsville, Ohio 43802 (ph 614 79676531).
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