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Corn-Saving Apron For Cornheads
It's a simple idea that pays off, says Charles Goodall, Sidell, Ill., about the "corn saver" he put on his Deere cornhead.
He wanted to stop the loss of ears thrown out of the cornhead as they entered the feed auger. But he needed to find a way to do it without blocking his vision of the header.
What he did was to make a frame out of steel tubing that fastens to the top back edge of the header. It extends out over the feed auger and is covered by steel mesh that stops pitchouts yet doesn't block the view. Hanging from the end of the steel frame is a large rubber flap made out of a piece of conveyor belting. It stops ears that are thrown forward.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Charles Goodall, RR, Sidell, Ill; 61876- (ph 217 288-9523).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2