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Made-It-Myself Bird Feeder
Wayne Gadow of Amory, Miss., devised his own squirrel and raccoon-proof bird feeder. “Trying to keep critters from climbing a shepherd’s hook bird feeder hanger proved futile. I came up with this idea.”
Gadow dug a 1 1/2-ft. deep hole to place a treated 4 by 4 post and filled around it using 60 lbs. of quick-set concrete. He then put a 6-in. diameter PVC pipe (approximately 5 ft. 8 in. tall) over the post and built a 40-in. by 24-in. plywood roof covered with mineral paper. He added metal trim on the ends.
Once he anchored the 40-in. 4 by 4 post with roof attached over the upright post, he drilled a hole to run a stove bolt through 1 by 4s on each side of the post and put in several 3-in. screws and short corner brackets under the 40-in. long roof post.
“To add to the non-grip of the PVC, I sprayed it with Rain-X. I added four screw hooks to hang the feeders from. Squirrels and raccoons can eat the seeds the birds drop on the ground from the feeders. I placed the feeder several yards from trees/bushes. Problem solved with much less seed wasted,” says Gadow.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wayne Gadow, 30013 Kidd Dr., Amory, Miss. 38821 (ph 662-646-1756; wmgadow@gmail.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #2