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On-Farm Green Ammonia Production System
FuelPositive, a Canadian technology company, is inching closer to its goal of activating its first scalable and modular green ammonia production system on the Hiebert farm in Sperling, Manitoba.
    The on-farm modular container facility was placed on site in June 2024 and initially expected to be in operation by late July after completing last-minute regulatory obligations. However, due to unforeseen complications, the company discovered that two necessary Manitoba certifications still needed to be addressed.
    “We’ve now taken care of these issues and are moving full speed ahead as we wait on these last Inspection and Technical Services (ITS) approvals,” says company CEO Ian Clifford. “We’re also working with the Manitoba government on specific project funding for our activation. They’re very supportive and excited about our technology.”
    Clifford expects the Hiebert system to go online in early 2025 and to continue operating year-round. “We’ll be running it in the harshest conditions, which is great for us. This will prove it’s viable at -40 C (-40 F) or in the worst snowstorms.”
    The FuelPositive system is modular to manipulate and scale ammonia production better. The Hiebert unit is the FP 300 pilot model, which will produce 100 tons of green anhydrous ammonia per year. FuelPositive will also offer an FP 1500 capable of producing up to 500 tons yearly.
    The company is moving its initial manufacturing operation from Ontario to the greater Winnipeg, Manitoba, area due to the appeal of hundreds of viable farms, a green power grid, and a supportive government.
    “Our focus is Manitoba first,” Clifford says. “If we can get it right there, it’ll work anywhere in the world. We want to make the province the center of global excellence for this kind of business. After we start up the Hiebert unit and run it for a few months, we’ll address the dozens of interested parties waiting to buy.”
    Clifford hopes to expand on FuelPositive’s continuous improvements by working more with Canadian-based resources, suppliers, skilled labor, raw materials, and engineering.
    One significant change the company is making is moving from pressurized storage tanks to on-site refrigerated storage systems, as much less steel is required.
    “We at FuelPositive are developing a paradigm shift in how ammonia is produced globally,” Clifford says. “If we alter the entire supply chain and move production on-farm to empower farmers, it’ll have an incredibly significant effect.”
    The FP 1500 green ammonia production unit will be offered for between 4.5 to 5 million dollars (CAD) plus the cost of site preparation.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ian Clifford, FuelPositive, 99 Northland Rd., Unit B, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8 (ph 416-535-8395; info@fuelpositive.com; www.fuelpositive.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #2