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Semi Hitch Transports Farm Equipment
Since it’s not always practical for farmers to move today’s large planting equipment, fertilizer applicators, tillage machinery, and grain carts with a farm tractor, Bestway Ag introduced the Retriever Transport Hitch. This hitching system converts tandem axle semi-trailers into 2 and 3-pt. implement towing vehicles.
The standard hitch features a sturdy lifting point for easy mounting using a forklift or tractor loader. Operators simply lift the unit and drive it onto the truck from the rear. Installation and removal are quick and easy, usually in 5 min. The portable hitch features a hydraulic lift mast, CAT 2 and 3 hitch systems, and a removable CAT 2 or 4 drawbar for towing larger implements. The hitch can be swapped from a CAT 3 to a CAT 2 in seconds.
“The Retriever has a removable 2-pt. hitch system to move hay equipment, corn planters, mower conditioners and other large machinery,” says Bestway Marketing Director Dave Benson. It features a drop pin-style hammer strap that makes connections to any drawbar-type equipment simple. The drawbar’s 12,000-lb. towing capacity allows the unit to tow the largest implements.
A 12-volt hydraulic power pack, housed in a weatherproof enclosure, raises and lowers the mast for easy hookup at various heights. The truck’s trailer light plug-in supplies power to a 12-volt battery and charging system.
“There’s also a plug-in for lights and flashers when towing down the road,” Benson says. “Hydraulic valves controlled by remote push button controls make folding and unfolding machinery simple after arriving at the destination.”
Bestway encourages interested customers to contact them through the website for prices and availability.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bestway Sales LLC, 2021 Iowa St., Hiawatha, Kan. 66434 (ph 785-742-2949; sales@bestwayag.com; www.bestwayag.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #2