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Fencing Invention Like Having An Extra Set Of Hands
Several years ago, Mike Sykes moved his cattle operation from Mississippi to an uncared-for ranch in Oklahoma that needed extensive fencing. After spending weeks walking back and forth, building new fences and lifting wires as he tightened them, he knew there had to be a better way. Finally, with what he believes was a little divine intervention, he developed the T-Post Hook, a small plastic hook-shaped clip that snaps onto metal T-posts and supports almost any type of wire.
“It’s like having extra hands in the field holding the wire up as you tighten it without having to go back and forth and pull it out of the grass,” Sykes says.
The final product design required several prototypes to achieve the right shape and quality to support the wires and resist breakages in cold weather.
The T-Post Hooks are easily installed by pressing them with enough pressure that the lipped ends snap into place over the posts. Sykes says adding a clip about every 10 to 12 posts or 125 ft. is adequate. Once the wire is laid out, place it in the hooks and tighten. Once permanent clips are added, the T-Post Hooks can be removed and saved for the next stretch of wire. “You can even snap the hooks on upside down to keep the wire down if you’re going over a low spot or a ditch,” Sykes says. “My customers say it’s the best fencing tool ever.”
He initially designed the hooks to hold barbed wire, but they also work with hog or chicken wire. They’re useful for hunters setting up temporary blinds and hanging plant pots or other items around the garden.
The T-Post Hooks are manufactured in Jackson, Miss., and are commercially available in stores throughout Oklahoma, Texas, Mississippi and Louisiana or directly from the website. They sell in 10-packs for $18 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mike Sykes, 16225 North County Road 3370, Stratford, Okla. 74872 (ph 580-759-9630; tposthook@gmail.com; www.tposthook.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #2