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Header Reverser For Deere Combine
"I built my own header reverser for my Deere 3300 combine for less than $50. It works as well as the factory-built header reversers on many newer combines," says Jeff Davis, Bridgeton, N.J.
Davis used a 12-volt starter motor off a Pontiac car and a flywheel from a Chevrolet engine. He bolted the flywheel directly onto a sprocket on the upper end of the belt-driven feederhouse shaft. The starter motor mounts on a bracket that bolts to the combine frame so the drive sprocket on the starter motor is in position to direct-drive the flywheel. A 2-way control switch goes inside the cab.
A red light on a gauge indicates when the reverser motor is activated.
"We use it mostly while combining soybeans with our 4-row bean head," says Davis. "We hardly ever have to get out of the cab any more. The starter is wired up to the combine battery. By disconnecting the starter wire and loosening two bolts and removing two others, we can remove the starter motor for access to the feederhouse. The flywheel comes off by removing four bolts."
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Jeff Davis, 177 Cohansey Rd., Bridgeton, N.J. 08302 (ph 609 451-0705).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3