1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3, Page #11
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Loader-Mounted Posthole Digger
When he decided he needed a post digger, he decided to make use of an auger digger he'd salvaged from an old mounted-type digger. He built a mounting frame around the drive end of the auger that lets him mount it in place of the quick-tach bucket on his skid steer loader. The auger can be mounted on either side of the loader which Apple-man says is handy depending on what type of job you're doing.
The pipe that the bucket would normally fasten to on the loader side arm acts as a pivot that lets the auger swing right to left. A pivot point on the digger mounting bracket lets the auger swing front to back. An old motorcycle shock keeps the auger hanging vertical, yet it can give in any direction.
The auger is chain-driven by an orbit motor off a fertilizer auger and is plumbed into bucket hydraulics so no extra controls are needed. It can be reversed if caught on a root or rock and the loader can be used to force the auger down into the ground, as needed.
One pin and two hoses are all it takes to hook up or unhook from the loader. Appleman still uses the hydraulic motor on his fertilizer auger. His only cost for the digger was hydraulic hoses and fittings.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Leonard Appleman, Rt. 1, Box 358A, Johnstown, Neb. 69214 (ph 402 722-4465).
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